
A State is just a glorified actor – "glorified" meaning it has two optional additional methods, enter() and leave(), that define processor hooks that should be called when the state is entered or left, respectively.


interface State<T extends string> extends Actor<T> {
  enter?: Processor
  leave?: Processor

enter - Optional - A valid processor that will be called when the machine enters this state.

leave - Optional - A valid processor that will be called when the machine enters this state.


Manually creating States:

const up = () => ({ type: 'up' })
up.type = 'up'

const down = () => ({ type: 'down' })
down.type = 'down'

Using the state() factory:

import { state } from 'zedux'

const up = state('up')
const down = state('down')

up() // { type: 'up' }
down(5) // { type: 'down', payload: 5 }


While there's nothing wrong with putting States together yourself, Zedux ships with a high-level api for creating them. See the state() factory and the ZeduxState api for more info.

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