
The actor created by the built-in act() factory.

A ZeduxActor is a normal actor with a few extra capabilities.

The gist

Creating actors manually is completely unnecessary boilerplate in almost every case. The ZeduxActor api simplifies actor creation. It creates the actual action object for you and allows you to specify how to create the payload. The identity function (arg => arg) is the default payload creator and is sufficient for most situations.


interface ZeduxActor<T extends string> extends Actor<T> {
  payload(payloadCreator: Function): ZeduxActor<T>


The following two examples are almost exactly equivalent:

const increment = () => ({ type: increment.type })

increment.type = 'increment'

increment() // { type: 'increment' }
increment(2) // { type: 'increment' }
import { act } from 'zedux'

const increment = act('increment')

increment() // { type: 'increment' }
increment(2) // { type: 'increment', payload: 2 }

So much more work from so much less code!

That second example used the default payload creator – the identity function. Let's specify a custom payload creator:

import { act } from 'zedux'

const addTodo = act('addTodo')
  .payload(text => ({ text, isComplete: false }))

addTodo('win') /* ->
  { type: 'addTodo', payload: { text: 'win', isComplete: false } }



A string. This will be the type property of all actions created by this actor. See the Actor type definition.

Method API


Overwrites the default payload creator function (the identity function – arg => arg). Returns the ZeduxActor for chaining.


(payloadCreator: Function) => ZeduxActor


import { act } from 'zedux'

const addTodo = act('addTodo')
  .payload(text => ({ text, isComplete: false }))

addTodo('pown') /* ->
    type: 'addTodo',
    payload: { text: 'pown', isComplete: false }

results matching ""

    No results matching ""