The Processor Layer

The processor layer is one of the 3 layers of a Zedux store. The processor and inspector layers are the pieces of Zedux that replace middleware in Redux.

The processor layer consists of all processors in the store's reactor hierarchy. A processor is attached to a reactor by setting it as the reactor's process property.

When an action is dispatched to the store, the processor layer is always the last layer hit, after inspectors and reducers.


The processor layer is part of the side effects model of Zedux. It's used for responding to and "processing" specific actions. For example, a fetchTodos action would almost certainly be handled by a processor.

Processors are passed the store's dispatch method. Processors will often dispatch several actions.

Processors are passed their relevant piece of state. Thus they can conditionally handle actions depending on their current state. However, processors are shape agnostic. As such, they shouldn't rely on other pieces of the state tree. In the rare case that this is needed, an inspector can be used as a shape bound processor of sorts.

The gist

The processor layer lives parallel to the reducer layer. Zedux replaces the reducer hierarchy of Redux with a reactor hierarchy. A reactor is just a reducer with an optional process property whose value is a processor.

Processors created with the react api can return iterators and observables by default.


import { act, createStore, react } from 'zedux'
import { post } from 'axios'

// An actor and its sub-actors
const addTodo = act('addTodo')

addTodo.requested = act('addTodo/requested')
addTodo.success = act('addTodo/success')
addTodo.failure = act('addTodo/failure')

// Our processor. He'll send the request to the server, keeping
// the store updated on the request's progress
const addTodoProcessor = (dispatch, action, state) => {

  post('/todos/add', action.payload)
    .then(response => dispatch(addTodo.success(response)))
    .catch(error => dispatch(addTodo.failure(error)))

// A good old reactor
const addTodoReactor = react({
    isAddingTodo: false,
    todos: []
  .withProcessors(addTodoProcessor) // use our processor

  .withReducers(state => ({ ...state, isAddingTodo: true }))

  .to(addTodo.success, addTodo.failure)
  .withReducers(state => ({ ...state, isAddingTodo: false }))

  .withReducers((state, { payload: newTodo }) => ({
    todos: [ ...state.todos, newTodo ]

// Create the store
const store = createStore()

// And enjoy
store.dispatch(addTodo('pown processor proliferation'))

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