
This is the parameter passed to store.use(). Typically this will be a branch node composed of other hierarchy descriptors.


type HierarchyDescriptor = Branch | Reactor | Store | null

A hierarchy descriptor can be a branch, a reactor, a store, or null (which indicates a node that should be deleted).


import { createStore } from 'zedux'

const store = createStore()
  .use({ // a branch node - creates the hierarchy
    a: aReactor // a reactor node
  .use(aStore) // a store node - replaces the existing hierarchy
  .use(null) // a null node - deletes the existing hierarchy
  .use(aReactor) // a reactor node - recreates the hierarchy
  .use({ // a branch node - replaces the existing hierarchy
    a: {
      b: aReactor
    c: aStore
  .use({ // a branch node - merged into the existing hierarchy
    a: { // a branch node - merged into `hierarchy.a`
      d: aReactor // a reactor node

At the end of all that, the store's hierarchy descriptor will look like:

  a: {
    b: aReactor,
    d: aReactor
  c: aStore


While Zedux provides this abstraction for you, you can still piece together your own reactor hierarchies like in Redux. Just pass your root reactor to store.use()

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