
A plain object that describes the store's reactor hierarchy. This is a high-level abstraction around creating a reactor hierarchy manually. Zedux will take this info and craft the reactor hierarchy for you.

store.use() is excellent at merging branches together. See the merging hierarchies guide for more info.


interface Branch {
  [s: string]: HierarchyDescriptor

In other words, it's an object containing valid hierarchy descriptors, including other branch nodes.


import { createStore } from 'zedux'

const hierarchyDescriptor = { // a branch node
  a: { // another branch node
    b: aReactor // a reactor node
  c: aStore // a store node

const store = createStore()


While Zedux provides this abstraction for you, you can still piece together your own reactor hierarchies like in Redux. Just pass your root reactor to store.use()

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