
A standard tool for creating actors. It's mostly just syntactic sugar for creating a string constant action type and corresponding action creator.

act() is a factory for creating ZeduxActors.


(actionType: string) => ZeduxActor

actionType - Required - The type of all actions created by this actor. (remember that an actor is an action creator). Will be set as the actor's type property.


import { act } from 'zedux'

const addTodo = act('addTodo')


import { act } from 'zedux'

// Create an "increment" actor that enforces multiples of 5
const increment = act('increment')
  .payload(amount => Math.round(amount / 5) * 5)

// Try it out
increment(4) // { type: 'increment', payload: 5 }
increment(7) // { type: 'increment', payload: 5 }
increment(8) // { type: 'increment', payload: 10 }

Static methods


A utility for namespacing action types. Cool enough for its own doc page.


We've seen what happens when a library leaves the implementation of low-level details (read: boilerplate) up to the user. We get a massive divide between those who think explicitly creating all boilerplate is best, and a couple hundred libraries offering a "better" way.

Zedux provides a high-level api for action and reducer creation out of the box. Since it's actually a pretty good one, the number of competing libraries will be minimal. And the low-level people, while unhindered, will at least not be joined by those whose only reason for writing boilerplate is, "Well, that's how the docs do it."


Check out the ZeduxActor api for usage.

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