
An inspector is a function that "inspects" the store's actions. Inspectors are called every time an action is dispatched to the store. They perform tasks like logging and recording actions – e.g. for time travel debugging.

Zedux takes special care to make sure that a store's inspectors are called every time the store's state may change. So store.hydrate(), store.setState(), inducers, and actions dispatched to child stores will all find a way to notify the store's inspectors of a serializable action that can be used to reproduce the state update (#timetravel).


interface Inspector {
  (storeBase: StoreBase, action: MetaChainNode): void

storeBase - The StoreBase of the store.

action - A MetaChainNode containing the dispatched action.


Read up on how the store interacts with the inspector layer in the inspector layer guide.

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